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Here at The Medispa By Matty we use a number of different skin peels, depending on your skin. Skin peels are a method of regenerating and resurfacing the skin. They go on like a mask and work by removing the top layers of the skin which in turn induces collagen remodelling. They ultimately improve the appearance of sun damaged skin, wrinkles, skin texture, pigmentation and the overall appearance of the skin. Our practice offers the following three types of peels:


The Jessner Peel is a superior treatment designed to remove the superficial layers of the skin. The peel itself is done using a unique combination of resorcinol, salicylic acid and lactic acid which really gives a deep penetration to exfoliate the outer skin layers. After you heal from a Jessner Peel you can expect your skin to be brighter, smoother and healthier.


  • The Jessner Peel is one of the most effective medium-depth cosmetic peels available

  • Excellent for all skin types  as it smooths and rejuvenates the skin

  • Very effective for clients with mild to severe acne, oily or thicker skin because it tends to decrease oil production and open clogged sebaceous follicles.

  • Also excellent in treating moderate wrinkling, discoloration and sun damage.

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  • This deeper exfoliation procedure produces noticeable flaking and exfoliation in the first three to four days following a peel. Within a week a smoother, healthier layer of skin will be revealed.

  • There is also a possibility that your face will have the whitened look, which is called “frosting”. This discoloration is normal and will only last for a few hours.


Salicylic peels are a perfect treatment for individuals with excessively oily skin or who suffer from acne breakouts. Salicylic acid has long been used to treat conditions and as a skin peel it can reverse the effects of aging by wiping away wrinkles, fine lines and blemishes. The peel works by binding to it dirt and other debris that can clog your pores. Because of this deep pore cleansing effect once the flaky skin disappears, you will be left with clear, firm and fresher-looking skin.


  • Cleanses the skin of oil, dirt and debris

  • Reduces oil production to stop acne from reoccurring.

  • Exfoliates dull, dead surface skin

  • Penetrates deep to unclog pores

  • Accelerates collagen production for firmer, healthier skin

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  • Even though this peel is mind in nature some people do experience inflammation or irritation of the skin afterwards but this generally goes away within a day.

  • For people with sensitive skin, salicylic peels are still a good choice as they are less likely to cause irritation

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Glycolic Acid (AHA) Peels, also known as Fruit Acid Peels, are the gentlest of peels. Glycolic Acids work by stimulating new growth of collagen and skin by decreasing the bond that holds dead skin cells on the surface. This allows the dead cells to be removed, leaving behind a smoother and softer layer of skin. The skin’s appearance is also improved by re-hydrating the skin below the surface.


  • Glycolic acid peels encourage new cell regeneration and help improve skin tone

  • Helps reduce the signs of sun damage and acne flare-ups

  • Also improves the appearance of age spots, fine lines and wrinkles by increasing the turnover of cells and exfoliation

  • Usually results in little to no peeling which enables individuals to continue with their day to day activities with no inconvenience.


  • Patients may feel a burning or tingling sensation during the peel

  • Following treatment the skin will turn red or pink but it heals without crusting

  • It is essential that you wear sunscreen following a peel as sunlight on a treated area can cause discolouration

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